The name of the society will be the ‘Thoracic Anaesthesia Group at Guy’s, hereafter known as TAGG UK.
Membership of the society will be open to all anaesthetists, practising and retired internationally. There will be no annual membership fee. If, in future, a fee is deemed necessary, it will be proposed by the Secretary/Treasurer to be ratified by the committee.
The aim of the society shall be to hold meetings to provide a forum for education and for social interaction for members.
To provide an opportunity for members to present talks/papers.
To provide an opportunity for trainees to present talks/papers.
To hold regular meetings each term in the department.
To run the success in single lung ventilation course at St Thomas’ (OLV)
To charge a fee only for the official OLV course
Other educational activities within the department for trainees to be free of charge.
Five CME points will be awarded for attendance on the OLV course
The committee will consist of:
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer
Thoracic Anaesthesia Consultants at Guy's
The president elect will attend all meetings.
The role of the committee will be to oversee the activity of the society and to make changes to the constitution, if required.
The office holders of President and Vice President will be elected by the committee members and ratified by the AGM. He/she will serve a term of three years.
The Secretary/Treasurer will be elected by the committee and will serve a term of four years.
A minimum of one AGM to be held.
The duties of the office holders will be defined and ratified at the AGM.
The Secretary/ Treasurer will:
keep a record of all meetings held share the minutes of the meeting with all members
keep a file of all correspondence
keep a record of all financial transactions
present a financial report at the AGM and ratify the accounts
Profits accrued from the courses will be used towards funding future courses.
The monies from the TAGG account will be used to
cover fees for website maintenance
to fund future courses
for other charitable purposes or other educational or academic activities as decided by the committee
One signatory to sign namely the President and the Secretary/Treasurer, Dr George Christodoulides will be required for all financial transactions.
The OLV course will provide 5 External CME points as will the meetings. The meetings will be held at the end of the operating lists so as not to result in patient cancellations for those members wishing to attend but have work commitments on the day. Study leave will need to be taken for teaching on the OLV course.
In the event that the Society decides to vote for a meeting called for the purpose, that it can no longer proceed to carry out its tasks, then the. committee shall proceed to dissolution, if there be any moneys left, that sum shall not be divided upon the members, but shall be passed to the NOSWORTHY fund at St Thomas’ Hospital.